A Travellerspoint blog

Easy, Ripe, and Luscious


sunny 32 °C
View Australia 2011 on GregW's travel map.

Butch: I got a great idea where we should go next.

Sundance: I don't want to hear it.

Butch: You'll change your mind when I tell ya.

Sundance: Shut up.

Butch: OK, OK.

Sundance: It's your great ideas that got us here.

Butch: Forget about it.

Sundance: I don't ever want to hear another one of your ideas. All right?

Butch: All right.

Sundance: OK.

Butch: Australia - I figured secretly you wanted to know, so I told ya. Australia.

Sundance: That's your great idea?

Butch: Oh, the greatest in a long line.

Sundance: Australia's no better than here.

Butch: That's all you know.

Sundance: Name me one thing better.

Butch: They speak English in Australia.

Sundance: They do?

Butch: That's right, smart guy, so we wouldn't be foreigners. They got horses in Australia. And they got thousands of mountains you can hide out in. And good climate. Nice beaches. You could learn to swim.

Sundance: No swimming! It isn't important. What about the banks?

Butch: They're easy. Easy, ripe, and luscious.

Sundance: The banks or the women?

Butch: Once you've got one, you've got the other.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969, Written by William Goldman

Easy, Ripe and Luscious...


Posted by GregW 09:49 Archived in Australia Tagged beaches

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